Monday 5 September 2011

Raw Chicken

What ever happened to pubic hair, that shit is gone man. And what about the goths, I haven’t seen that many goths around, and where are the punks of the 80’s and 90’s Piccadilly Circus. What about the grungy guys into Nirvana and Pearl jam with those little bum-fluff beards and ripped jeans, angry about nothing. Fuck, it’s all about skinny jeans and bad hair cuts, bad music, bad education and bad culture. Maybe I’m just a bitter old man, maybe I have a point! I think is about time for another Van Gogh, Lennon, Hendrix, Guevara or at least another Jesus! Going back to the pubic hair, I had just taking the panties of this girl and her pussy was completely bold. She was really pale, I mean she was so pale she looked like a ghost, I was like bitch you’re haunting me. Don’t worry and not a racist I like all girls. Fat, short, hairy, smelly, toothless, with Halitosis and Alopecia, one legged, three titted, incontinent, If they are ugly I can fix that, if they’re stupid I can fix that. Going back to the bold pussy again, man, it look like raw chicken. I said to myself fuck it if you get salmonella it’ll be worth it.

Financial services estimate that the US will have spent almost $802bn on funding the war by the end of fiscal year 2011, with $747.6bn already appropriated. Figures released in June 2010 put the cost of British funding of the Iraq conflict at £9.24bn ($14.32bn), the vast majority of which was for the military (to kill innocent, poor and already oppressed people) but which also included £557m in aid. I wonder if Bush and Blair had not dragged the UK and the US into an illegal war 10 years ago, perhaps we could have spent all that money in educating a lost, violent, disillusioned and now out of control youth. Oh and university fees are going to be £9000 a year from September 2012, so much for the future of eduction. Thank you very much Mr Blair and Mr Bush you mother fucking pair of twats!